“The world’s favorite season is the spring.
All things seem possible in May.” ~ Edwin Way Teale
Month of May is significant for a lot of reasons. It come with the gifts of spring with hints of summer.
Flowers, good weather and the assurance that after every storm comes the sunshine.
Emerald Lily of the Valley Hawthorn
Monthly Observances
AAPI Heritage Month National Asparagus Month
National BBQ Month National Bike Month
National Cheese Month National Egg Month
National Hamburger Month National Mediterranean Diet Month
National Salad Month National Salsa Month
National Strawberry Month
Weekly Observances
National Wildflower Week National Small Business Week
First full week in May First week in May
National Craft Beer Week National Pet Week
Second full week in May First Sunday thru Saturday
National Teacher Appreciation National Police Week
First Monday thru Friday Week of May 15