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“If you speak too much, you will learn too little.”

– Armenian Proverb

Located at the crossroads of Asia and Europe, Armenia’s cuisine has been influenced by traders and conquers from the Mediterranean, Middle East and Eastern Europe.

Eating is an integral part of life in Armenia. Locals will find any excuse to have a feast, so, if traveling there, don’t be surprised to be dragged into a family home as a guest of honour, enjoying a delicious meal made from recipes passed down from generation to generation.

They make use of the freshest ingredients – Armenian fruit and vegetables are legendary throughout the region – and all kinds of spices, herbs, meat and fish. 

Armenians also love dessert. Plenty of their desserts consist of nuts and fruits, some of the most popular being walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, apricots, and pomegranates. You may also notice fruits and nuts being included in regular meals, too.

Khashlama is a traditional Armenian vegetable and lamb stew

Mshosh is a simple Armenian lentil salad made with dried apricots and walnuts.

Khorovats - Armenian grilled vegetables


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