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Thanksgiving - The Main Event

“It’s not too much food.

This is what we’ve been training for our whole lives. This is our destiny, this is our finest hour.”

~Lorelai Gilmore

The holiday of Thanksgiving usually revolves around a bountiful meal, with turkey as the star of the show. But at what is commonly referred to as the “first Thanksgiving”, the settlers at Plymouth colony probably had something different.

The Wampanoag brought deer, and the Pilgrims provided wild “fowl.” That “fowl” could have been turkeys, which were native to the area, but historians think it was probably ducks or geese.

Ham is also another popular meat served at Thanksgiving. If your gathering is very large, you might need both!


No Thanksgiving dinner would be complete without all the sides. Traditional dishes differ depending on what region of the country you live in. I always have my go to's, but now and then I add a new one.


Never try a recipe for the first time on the big day. Test it out ahead of time to see if you like it or what needs to be changed.




Rice and Pasta

Cranberry Apple Pecan Wild Rice -

Corn and Cranberries


Roasted Carrots




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