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Planning Guide

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Wonka's Wonderland - Libations

In the book, Mr. Wonka tells a tale about his Fizzy Lifting Drink invention and an Oompa Loompa that drank some and floated away, never to be seen again.

In the original film, things go a little farther and Granpa Joe and Charlie sample some of the drink, much to the disappointment of Mr. Wonka. They end up floating towards a fan and have to burp themselves out of harm’s way.

Print or buy labels and wrap bottles of Sprite, 7-Up or any carbonated drink. There are also many recipes online to make your own fizzy punch.

Serve chocolate milk in honor of Augustus Gloop and his thirst for chocolate.

For the adults, serve the ultimate fizzy drink!

Or try some of these Wonka Themed cocktails:

The Snozberry

2 oz. rum 1/2 oz. lime juice 1/2 oz. simple syrup 2 small pieces of candied ginger 1 oz. strawberry/raspberry puree (that equals a snozberry) Pass the snozberry puree through a strainer. Add the rest of the ingredients and finish with carbonated soda or water Garnish with the candied ginger.

Everlasting Gobstopper 2 oz. rum 3/4 oz. lemondrop basil syrup 2 oz. ginger beer Build in a tall Collins glass over ice. Make the lemondrop basil syrup by muddling a few fresh basil leaves, then add simple syrup and fresh lemon juice to taste.


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